Friday, September 12, 2008


The picture is from May, and it was taken in Galveston. I didn't make it down there, I was in the hospital, but my parents got some pictures of the ocean for me. It's amazing to think of what's going on RIGHT THERE, RIGHT NOW. It's so sad.

Well, I'm very worried about a few friends of mine in Texas. Really worried about one who is STUCK in Houston. She had a procedure at MD Anderson Cancer Center(where I had surgery) and now she is in a hotel room in Houston, "hunkering down."

I am SO grateful I am in Minnesota, and will not have to experience that fear of a big storm impending. We have tornados, but those aren't drawn out and long. Devastating, yes, but I think a hurricane is worse.

I think living in Texas would be nice, but I cannot imagine having to board up my home and leaving it, not knowing what it will be when I return.

I just want to ask those of you reading this to send your thoughts, prayers, good karma, whatever you believe in, to all the people in Texas and other southern states who will have to ride out this storm.

Thank you~

Boa Noite

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